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20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1

20240910 FGD OECD Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest 1



Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (PANRB) menggelar kegiatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dalam rangka aksesi pada Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Legal Instrument on Public Integrity and Conflict of Interest, di Jakarta, Senin s.d. Selasa (10-11/09).

Kegiatan tersebut diinisiasi oleh unit kerja Deputi Bidang Reformasi Birokrasi, Akuntabilitas Aparatur dan Pengawasan selaku penanggung jawab pada dua legal instrumen yakni public integrity dan managing conflict of interest untuk mempercepat pemenuhan regulasi sebagai prasyarat keanggotaan Indonesia pada OECD.

Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Asisten Deputi Perumusan dan Koordinasi Kebijakan Penerapan Akuntabilitas Aparatur dan Pengawasan Kementerian PANRB Kamaruddin; Asisten Deputi Perumusan dan Koordinasi Kebijakan Penerapan Reformasi Birokrasi Kementerian PANRB Agus Uji Hantara; Akademisi Universitas Gadjah Mada Dr. Phil. Gabriel Lele; Kepala Pusat Konsultasi dan Bantuan Hukum Kepegawaian BKN Halim; serta perwakilan tim teknis lainnya.

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